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MONDAY 29/07/2024 – 2:00 PM

Circus show at Ciampac (Alba di Canazei) | Carpa Diem

Show “Dolce e Salato”
He is naive, distracted and dreamy, she is pure energy and movement. Together they are like water and flour, together they prepare bread on a day that seems normal, just like daily bread, but in reality it is magical and surprising, exactly like them. Tullio reads upside down suspended from a pole, Vroni rides a bicycle pedaling with her hands and driving with her feet. They are funny, tender and surreal, and while they wait for the bread to bake they give us a journey through time and feelings.

Dolce Salato is a circus-theatre show for all ages and all languages, with hand-to-hand, Chinese pole, unicycle, acrobatic bike, bread and lots of humor!

Ina and Luca are two Italian artists who founded the company Carpa Diem, believing in the importance of living in the present. Under the colors of a circus tent (carpa in Spanish) they communicate through a language that overcomes every linguistic barrier, seizing every moment, enjoying every surprise, experiencing every emotion that this adventure gives them.
Carpa Diem!

In case of bad weather the show will be cancelled.


The complete program of the festival here

Facebook: Circen Dolomites Festival

Instagram: @circen_dolomites_festival